at first i was in denial, refusing to believe i could ever be addicted to herb.
all the articles i'd read, all the press i'd heard assured me this was impossible, but when i found myself indulging in up to three bags a day, that's roughly nine plants, buds and all, well i knew i had a problem.
at first i talked to a few friends about it but they just laughed telling me i was exaggerating and that it had never affected them poorly when they'd indulged.
i have to admit that i can't remember ever being affected in a negative way.
i was always able to concentrate well, exercise, work, keep a good conversation going pretty much the same as any normal day.
but i was up to three bags a day now! at work, at home, it didn't matter.
i'd go into my office, close the door and a few hours later, poof!, it was all gone. just a few stalks in the garbage. and oh it smelled good.
i could go a long time without feeling a craving, but oh, man, all it would take is one whiff of that glorious bud and i'd be off out the door, screaming down the street with cash in hand.
i'd buy any kind they were selling, bury my face in the bag, breathe deeply, and it wouldn't be long before the entire thing was consumed.
this was serious.
i was indulging in herb that was so powerful it wasn't normally meant to be taken on its own. and i'd question the sellers over and over again to be sure i could find what i needed all year round. it was time for intervention.
it's been a few weeks since i actively did something about my addiction: since i took the first steps towards rehab.
i contacted a specialist, did a little research, and worked on setting up a program to gradually wean myself off basil.
i'm in the recovery process right now and have been able to ease the cravings with a quick mint or shiso fix.
one thing I will miss though, is the amazing weight stabilising diuretic affects three bags could have. and the smell of fresh basil bud (it looks and smells just like...), well i'm just going to have to stay away from garden shops and the produce section for a while…
ok, I feel a lot better now. good to get that off my chest. now all i have to do is address my drinking problem ...
moot or hooey?
basil has also been referred to as "dragon" or "nine level pagoda", and is an ancient medicinal herb. it is also used to prepare holy water and is placed in the hands of the dead to insure they reach God. it is said to open the gates of heaven. the flip side to that would be that, as with other herbs like fennel and tarragon, basil contains estragole wich is known to be carcinogenic and genotoxic
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