
Idol thoughts

I've thought from the very beginning (auditions) that Adam was the person to win. I still think so.
I'd originally pegged Adam, Danny, Allison, and Alexis as the top four. Not bad.
I do think that everyone's a winner this season. The top five anyway.
Adam's passion stands out though, and he has the showmanship to truly be great.
If he doesn't do something great through Idol, Tarantino is sure to write something for him.
I'LL write something for him!

I think Danny will be a very close second, Allison third, and Kris fourth.

Danny is very main stream and sexy. If he had just a bit more of an edge I think he'd pull ahead of Adam.

Allison can do everything. The only thing that's standing in the way of soaring past the boys is her age. She has yet to develop a "hunger" for what she wants.

I love Kris' voice. He has a very unique sound like REM, Aerosmith, Nirvana, but he's a bit too timid. If he doesn't reach out and grab it soon, it'll slip away from him.

having said all this, I think they're all ready to cut albums. Their careers have already been made. It's simply up to them to lasso the wave and ride it out.

moot or hooey?
if you ignore your hunger for 15 minutes, it won't come back until you've passed the ability to consume a full meal.

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