Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has asked that the world cut its emissions in half by 2050. ok, but what about 2012?... well?
The International Treaty on Climate Change came into force Feb 2005 and will expire in 2012.
The Kyoto Protocol is an amendment to that treaty. Canada jumped on board to ratify the treaty in 2002.
The deal was to lower CO2 emissions to 6% below those of 1990, between the years 2008 and 2012. However, by 2004 our CO2 levels were already 27% above those of 1990.
So because we suck so badly at keeping promises, in 2006 Rona Ambrose suggested we hop on board the US sponsored Asia/Pacific Partnership on clean development and climate.
We were essentially going to buy our way out of the problem. Buy up some carbon credits to balance out our frivolous consumption habits. Give that guy a dollar to sort out my recycling, will ya. That sucked too, but it was something, a start.
Well, in 2006 Mr Harper "reinvested" the funds allotted to save environmental face. Now Canada has made a new "promise" for mandatory emissions targets for industry, but we have plenty of time to renege on that one too. It doesn't come into affect until 2050.
Let me see, Mr Harper will be 91, 92, by then, and presumably caring a whole lot about his future on this planet.
Pablo Rodriguez put forth a bill in an attempt to force Canada to adhere to the KP.
It made it past the house of commons this year, Feb 14th. love it!
Next step, the senate.
It is expected to pass, which will mean Mr Harper will be wearing some pretty tight shoes for the subsequent 60 days.
moot or hooey?
moot or hooey?
Japan is the most energy efficient country in the world
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