
an angel of a film

moot or hooey?
angels are all around us


Max Embarrassing Kicks off Reel2Real Festival

Photo: Christian Geisnæs

Denmark in the dead of winter, a home made teeth straightening device, a prisoner, an eccentric neighbour, a young, awkward romance, and a mother who always says the wrong thing at the wrong time, and you have the makings of the award winning Danish comedy, Max Embarrassing.

Director Lotte Svendsen winds a lovely, humorous, story of Max, played by the talented young Samuel Heller-Seiffert, as he tries to impress Ofelia, the new girl in class.

He is the least cool person in school and believes he has the most embarrassing mother (Mette Horn) in the world. Max makes a series of blunders and bad decisions, and when his well intentioned mother steps in to help, things only escalate.

Based on the popular TV series Max, This amusing coming-of-age tale is full of pleasant surprises. It's a well crafted script and an insightful look into the teenage transition.

It may jump around a little in the wrap up, but still delivers a storybook ending. A must see for families and children of all ages.

Max Embarrassing is presented by the Reel2Real International Film Festival for Youth, in their Family Film series.

Sunday January 17th at 1pm, at the Vancity Theatre. (further screenings in March and May).

And stick around after the screening for the free film criticism workshop from 3pm-5pm, open to young viewers ages 10-19yrs.

moot or hooey?
all the actors in the film play the same characters in the tv series.