this is Jeff.
Jeff is one of the most incredible people i have ever met. i fell in love with him instantaneously. not as in "i really liked him and you would too" fall in love. more like "would you like to run away with me to the caribbean tonight and live on coconuts and moonlight" fall in love. that kind.
i'd often heard of people meeting and falling in love at first sight and spending the rest of their days together in marital bliss(oxymoron?) but until this fateful night, it was all just phenomenon.
then Jeff comes along and it's wtf just pulled my pulsing, hot blooded heart from my chest, into my throat, and out onto a platter with a euphoic splash and a little sign that says "consume rapidly"...
Jeff's story is amazing.
he's a an extremely talented dancer. one night a few years back, while attempting an inverted tango (dancing upsidedown suspended from the ceiling) in front of a packed audience, the wires snapped and he crashed to the ground breaking bones, some in his back, which left him paralyzed.
a few years and a lot of determination later, he was walking again.
when i met Jeff, it was at the "Passion" exhibition of a friend, Tony Hauser which celebrated an array of extraordinary Canadians. Jeff was one of them.
so i'm standing there, platter in hand, believing in god again, when i hear the faint voice of my friend Tony penetrate the blissful amouric mist, tripping me mid stride, telling me alas... he's a vegetarian...
vegetarian in the form of a long term relationship that wasn't about to end anytime soon... oohh!
i felt his words step out before me like the padded body of Lafleur flinging me through the air in slow motion landing spread eagle across the floor as the pulsing platter of love sailed un-noticed swirling this way and that, through the crowd, down the stairs, out the revolving doors, into the street, where it was promptly flattened by a taxi cab.
i never got to confess to Jeff, and today i found this photo as i was cleaning up my desktop. so Jeff, wherever you are, you've made a believer out of me. not in god(though i did keep all those promises)... in love!
moot or hooey?
It's reported that more than 10,000 marriages a year now are directly traceable to romances which begin during coffee breaks.